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37 results Sorting:
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Logos > KISTERS_LOGO_Claim_2023.jpg
In order to access the KISTERScloud services, many of you use the client application Citrix Workspace. The software provider has notified their…
On October 17, 2022, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) informed about a vulnerability in the program library "Apache Commons…
We’ve been informed by a customer that one of the delivered Jar files in the KiDSM distribution contains the file “JMSAppender.class”, which was…
Based on the description CVE-2022-2274 and CVE-2022-2097 “Source: CVE: CVE-2022-2274 -…
The KISTERS solutions are not actively using the method "pg_query_params()" or the "mysqlnd/pdo" modules, and our PHP-Applications are primarily…
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Images > KISTERS_Aachen_P1_01.jpg
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Logos > KISTERS_Logo_1.jpg
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Logos > KISTERS_Logo_2.jpg
A zero-day vulnerability was found in the popular Java Web application development framework Spring
CERT-Bund has published a short info on vulnerabilities in the Apache HTTP Server
Critical security vulnerability in the "Expat library" for processing XML messages
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